DO Home Churchwide Conversations Initiative, covers the following components:

  1. The DO Home survey.
  2. The DO Home Conversations; covering the ‘whys’, ‘whats’, and ‘hows’ of building the family discipleship culture.

We believe this initiative will help to create the needed momentum for cultivating the culture. 

the do home survey

It is important for the church leadership to understand the real key issues affecting our Christian homes; a family survey would be effective in surfacing these issues.

We have designed an online (hardcopy option is available too) survey tool that aims to gather key information for the church leadership. It will only take 3 to 4 minutes to complete the survey.

Key Focus Areas. The survey touches on five key areas:

  • Faith of the next generation, 
  • Marriage, 
  • Parenting, 
  • Sexuality, 
  • Care for the Elderly

Parts of Survey. We strong believe that survey findings highlighting the differences between what the church leadership perceives the conditions of the families to be and what they are actually going through will be effective in raising the needed alarm for needed actions.

With this aim in view, we are designing two sets of questionnaires; one for the church leadership and one for the congregation. The questions we ask the leaders to answer are related to those we ask the congregation to complete; what they believe of the conditions of the areas of family life that we survey the congregation for.

The two parts of the survey are:

  1. Part 1. The leadership survey. This will uncover what the church leadership thinks is the current state of the families in their churches.
  2. Part 2. The congregational survey. This is open to every church member above the age of 12. This will help the church leadership see the gap between their own perception and the true state of affairs in these families.

Upon the completion of the survey, two reports will be generated promptly and made available for free to your church leadership. They are:

  1. DO Home Congregational Report. This is based on responses from families about their conditions at home. It covers all five areas of family life surveyed.
  2. DO Home Leadership Report.  This report will highlight the gap between perception and the reality of the family conditions. 

You will also be able to benchmark against the national aggregates based on all the DO Home surveys conducted in the nation.

Benefits. The benefits are as follows:

  • CREATE a churchwide interest focusing on the health of the families. There will be ample opportunities for families to reflect on their current state as people become more open to talk about their family life.

FOCUS on family needs. Both the church leaders and the congregation will see it as a priority to focus on meeting the needs of their families. It will result in direct conversations on discipleship of the home and making this a priority focus of the church. 


do home conversations

If managed well, the survey will likely spark off lively conversations on the subject of the family among the leaders and church members. 

The church leadership should seize this window of opportunity to lead the church further in this direction. We are suggesting below an approach you may want to consider in achieving this.

Any plan to develop family discipleship would require one to deal with the ‘whys’, the ‘whats’ and the ‘hows’. Towards this end, we are preparing three booklets to support the conversations on each of these areas.

  1. Answering the ‘Whys’: A booklet titled, ‘The Family in Crisis’. Here, we focus on the reasons why we need to invest adequately (much more than what we currently do) in building healthy families.
  2. Answering the ‘Whats’: A booklet titled, ‘What is Family Ministry?’ This is about ‘what’ we need to do to develop for a healthy family. We will touch on the key building blocks of a healthy home.

Answering the ‘Hows’: A booklet titled, ‘How Do We Build?’ This booklet deals with the process of mobilizing the church from where they are today to where they should be through family discipleship). The ultimate goal is to build healthy Christian families as a way of life.